Kimberling City business licenses are renewed each year. Business licenses are active from June 30th of the current year to July 1 of the next year. All license renewals must be received in the City Hall office no later than June 30 to avoid any interruption in daily business. Business licenses cost $25.00 each year.
Business are required to fill out the business license application (the application is the same for new business and renewals). Depending on the type of business being ran there are other documents required before a license can be issued.
*For any service based businesses with employees, a copy of the companies insurance is required.
*For any sales/rental businesses a Missouri Retail Sales License from the Missouri Department of Revenue is required with the Kimberling City address on it. A 'No Tax Due' statement will be required each year at the time of renewal.
*For any food/healthcare businesses a copy of the Stone County Health Permit will be required.
Please contact the City Hall office at 417-739-4903 8:00-4:30 Monday - Friday with any questions.
The Kimberling City business license application can be found on the City Forms page in the How Do I section of this website.